Tooth and gum care


Dogs do not suffer from tooth decay, but more often from tartar and plaque (biofilm). Biofilm is made up of bacteria that adhere to to the enamel and promote tartar formation. Subsequently, they cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and bad breath.

Plaque can also cause periodontal disease and can lead to tooth loss. Again, some breeds are more susceptible to tartar, especially small breeds such as Yorkshire.
Tartar forms first at the roots of the teeth and spreads further down the crown. In some cases, tartar can cover almost the entire dentition of the animal. Gingivitis is very painful for the dog.
Tartar tends to be grey to brown and hard. Therefore, manual cleaning at home cannot remove the tartar that has already formed. It is necessary to have the tartar removed under anaesthesia with ultrasound by a veterinarian. Prevention and regular care, cleaning and checking of the teeth is necessary.

Pythie Dog Fresh breath

As a prevention use our oral drops for dogs, which are dripped into a bowl of water.The microorganism Pythium oligandrum can break down the biofilm so that the bacteria have nowhere to hide, and thus less tartar builds up on the teeth.